Hey, I'am a Techonology enthusiast IT professional. My job involves unix/storage/backup and DR setup management and design. Apart from this, i've varied interest...from marathoning to bloggin, trekking to nature admiration Well..this blog of mine is to provide some tips, methodologies, white papers and trouble shooting methods for the technolofy part of systems science.
Comments, suggestions and critics are welcome to improve this and provide more insight.
Introducing http://systemsscience.blogspot.com/
Comments, suggestions and critics are welcome to improve this and provide more insight.
Introducing http://systemsscience.blogspot.com/
My other blog is on News, Commentary on analysed thoughts, life little experiences, Adventures and travel - Sprinkled with some of my own :-) this blog of mine is an outlet to put down thoughts in to few words and not being prolixed.
Thanks for visiting this page